Sunday, 13 January 2008

In case you missed it... should be able to view The Politics Show feature on our post office if you cut and paste the following link into your website address bar.

The feature is towards the end of the programme at approximately 22 minutes.

I'd be very interested to hear what people thought of it.

For my part, although Chris Franks and Jane Davidson made some pertinent, powerful, albeit brief points, I found it bizarre that not a single customer - the post office's lifeblood - was featured.

I've interviewed a number of town citizens and the passion they have for their post office is wonderful. It's a shame it wasn't conveyed in the least some of their views can be read on this site.

POSTSCRIPT: I've been told that the post office feature was going to be covered in more depth but the Peter Hain story took precedence. Oh well, that's the way it goes sometimes.

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