Monday, 28 January 2008

The Downing Street Letter - update

I have sent e-mails to Jane Davidson, Chris Franks, Leanne Wood, Huw Roberts, Steve Geraty, Dr Kim Howells, Postwatch Wales, 10 Downing Street and Mr Allan Leighton (Royal Mail Chairman) regarding The Downing Street Letter (see previous entry)

As soon as I receive replies from the aforementioned I'll inform you straightaway.

It would do no harm if you could voice your concerns on the issue in question, too.

All you have to say is something like: "Downing Street stated, in a letter dated January 3rd, 2008, that the Chairman of the Royal Mail Group, Mr Allan Leighton, should make the final decision in cases where Postwatch and Post Office Ltd could not agree on whether to close a branch.

"That does not appear to have happened in the case of our post office since neither Postwatch Wales or Post Office Ltd made reference to Mr Leighton's involvement at any stage of the process.

"Logic and justice therefore dictates that the decision to close our post office should be suspended, the case for saving our office should be referred to Mr Leighton who should have the final say on the matter."

Here are a few handy e-mail addresses you may wish to use for correspondence purposes:,,,

If you would like to write to the person who wrote the Downing Street letter I've referred to, the name and address of the person is: S Caine, Direct Communications Unit, 10 Downing Street, London, SW1A 2AA.

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