Saturday, 29 December 2007

"A great asset to the village"

The following (see below) is a fine tribute to Colin.

It's an extract taken from this month's edition of The District Diary, written by the previous incumbent at Swan Street post office, the columnist known as Phil the Post.

"I was sorry to see my old Post Office, Swan Street, Llantrisant, named as one of those on the closure list," writes Phil.

"The current owner, Colin Cranness, is an excellent Post Master. He's the man I contact when I need to know anything about Post Office procedure, Colin is the man who can!

"He's also a great asset to the village and is often featured in the local press for his work with neighbourhood watch. He collects vouchers for the local schools, too.

"There's a huge campaign in the area to keep Llantrisant Post Office open and I hope it's successful. Colin is a very helpful person."

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